Also with the boost to steady ITZ felt even stronger and needed to be toned down even more. Last, makes the choice between small and large squad size upgrades more competitive. Fits better with the new overwatch shots all having an aim malus. Homeworld 2+ is an unofficial Homeworld 2 expansion fully playable with Kadeshi and Turanic Raiders (Vaygr ally) races - PTV/REARM works. Complex is a free advanced game modification based on Relic Entertainment's Homeworld 2 game engine, free of any business directive, developed with passion. It used to be that the non-laser non-pulse weapons would calculate a damage range and then apply crit bonuses to each number in that range.

Also, it makes understanding the damage we deal a little bit easier (by removing another source of randomization). Many thought their hardships would end when they returned to Hiigara, yet fate has not been so kind to the Exiles. Augmenting a soldier into a MEC requires 25 days + 25% of the unit's fatigue/injury time (from 10 + 20%) - Slows down MEC accumulation, tones back on the deployment capability of MECs to prevent late game full MEC teams from being as common, - Note: high ranking soldiers will still receive their bonus stats per rank above LCPL when augmented, - Clarified that hyper-reactive pupils miss bonus lasts until the unit makes another shot (even over multiple turns) - QoL, - The "In Smoke" buff now makes targets immune to critical hits and only reduces aim by 10 (from 15) - Buff to smoke, - Having a soldier mind controlled no longer causes the rest of the squad to panic - Was too punishing to lose half your squad after 1 action, - Combat drugs heal 40% of damage received (from 35%) - Slight buff, - Tracker (from proximity sensor) now detects and uncloaks units within 6 tiles (from 5) - 20% buff in range to make it a more readily replacement for battle scanners, - Hit and Run no longer grants bonus damage (from +1) - nerf to HnR scout, pull back the scout even more, - Snapshot grants a 50% chance for a 0 AP shot (from 60%) with a strike rifle - nerf to snapshot scout, pull back the scout even more. I know we accepted it but it was REALLY stupid.

Also helps poor landing zones granting more opportunity for immediate cover.

Also made the thin mints a little to hard to hit. No wonder everyone was saying they were so easy.