This doesn't mean that vanilla or LW2 specific mods are automatically incompatible, but you do need to test anything not specifically noted as compatible and many will not be. If it isn't compatible with WotC it will not work with LWotC. Only mods compatible with WotC can possibly be compatible.Particularly the black magic XCOM 2´s Load Order is: Also reccomended to look at Robojumper´s blog.How to make a mod´s scripts load before LWOTC.- your first stop in the case of crashes, things not working, etc.For general modding installation and know-how, there is a pretty detailed wiki on Reddit (.Join the #modcompatibility conversation on the LWotC Discord to get the latest updates and #lwotc-modding conversation to discuss particular issues with LWOTC-specific mod creation.Only ask questions related to a mod when you can´t find the info there. Read each mod’s descriptions and comment section thoroughly, there are quite a few abandoned mods and it is worth a few minutes to avoid hours of frustration when you are twenty hours into your campaign and you get an unsolvable CTD. Rule of thumb for modding LWOTC (and XCOM 2 in general).It is a much better resource than the default launcher. Check out the Alternative Mod Launcher and stay updated by joining the discord.ONLY RUN THE VERSION WHICH COMES IN THE LWOTC INSTALL ZIP. YOU DO NOT NEED, AND IN FACT SHOULDN´T, INSTALL THE WORKSHOP VERSION OF THE COMMUNITY HIGHLANDER.However, modding will nearly always require adjustments on the user end, and that means YOU. LWOTC is as-is pretty much a stable build (dev 25 at the time of writing).

If an LW2 mod is not listed as compatible it is safe to assume that it will not work. There is no point in listing all of them as incompatible so we'll focus on the the ones that work. Mods created for the original Long War 2 will not be compatible unless they are also compatible with WoTC.If you won´t read anything else, READ THIS: This is a community-maintained list of mods and how they interact with Long War of the Chosen.